I am disgusted by the level of backlash against Gemma Ward, ok so she has put on a bit of weight to the ‘normal’ level and not bone thin any more to be classified as a ‘supermodel’, but regardless of her weight I don’t think it should be a reason why she can’t model anymore. Her modeling agent IMG has announced that they will not be representing Gemma anymore. Which is a pity because the girl is more than a pretty face, have you seen her in the ‘Black Balloon’? I sincerely hope she makes it as an actor, and regardless of what the media says about her weight gain as a revenge attack on the fashion world, I think she is a timeless beauty.
Source: http://www.mamamia.com.au/weblog/2010/03/model-gemma-ward-shes-had-her-moment-its-over.html
Source: http://www.mamamia.com.au/weblog/2010/03/model-gemma-ward-shes-had-her-moment-its-over.html
At Chanel: The ‘Controversial’ state when Gemma has noticeably gained weight.